• To promote Scottish heraldry, genealogy and related arts, heritage and culture.
  • To advance heraldic, genealogical and Scottish heritage through education and engagement with young people.
  • To aid and support the protection and preservation of the records, archives and collections of the Court and Office of the Lord Lyon.
  • To aid and support the digitisation of those records and to make them accessible to the public at no cost.
  • To support and promote the contribution by the Scottish diaspora, especially within the Commonwealth, to heraldic, genealogical and cultural education.

We welcome all supporters, as the Society is there for all those who see themselves as part of the Living Scotland.

We have already been generously supported by a number of Trusts and individuals, who have enabled us to start developing the aims of the Society, and we thank all of them.

Join us today

Should you wish to become a supporter or a donor of the Society, please visit our supporters section.

The Society welcomes everyone who wishes to be part of this ambitious project of promoting the Living Scotland through our national heritage.

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